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2017 Kentucky High School Boys Soccer
2017 KY Boys Soccer Stats for Moore
Oct 9, '17 Match with North Bullitt
Score: 10 - 1
(Aug 10, 2019 5:40 AM)
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10Cutino, Eduardo
5Espinosa, Bryan
Fonseca, Abraham
00Garcia, Kevin
7Garcia, Luis
18Lopez, Juan
4Mugiraneza, Innocent
8Muratov, Nadym
9Niyongabo, David
Niyonshuti, DiueMerci
Nshizirungu, Fabrice
11Perez, Elean
20Romero, George
6Serrato , Ulises
Singleton, Brandon
3Twyishime, Kalisa
Team Stats
17Games Played
17Stat Reports Filed
0Missing Stat Reports
10 - 6 - 1Win-Loss Record
72Goals Scored
34Goals Allowed
10Cutino, Eduardo24
Nshizirungu, Fabrice24
Singleton, Brandon 135
20Romero, George113
Niyonshuti, DiueMerci12
8Muratov, Nadym124
5Espinosa, Bryan12
7Garcia, Luis124
00Garcia, Kevin11
Fonseca, Abraham11